Spring is a great time to spend outdoors. The sun is out but not harsh, and the environment is gorgeous. While these are some of the most attractive things about spring, they may also hinder all the fun you could have planned. Because of the abundance of tiny seeds and pollen in the air, you can easily get eye allergies.
During this season, pollen, dust, and mold are plentiful and permeate the air. That means they will inevitably get into your eyes. These are the prime causes of eye allergies in this season. If you use contact lenses, you will likely get the short end of the stick this season. It is why experts advise choosing eyeglasses until the season is over.
The high pollen count in the air is a party pooper all around. While it is more fun to stay outside, experts advise limiting that time to several hours a day. It is especially recommended if your eyes become watery and itchy when you are outdoors. You can visit your eye doctor for relief from the reaction against the pollen.
If you intend to spend time indoors, ensure you clean the house and the spaces you will spend the most time in. It is the most effective way to limit contact with pollen, mold, or other allergens inside the house. You can also get an air purifier to eliminate any airborne particles that make it into the house.
Spring is a warm month, and the office may become warmer than usual. This means the chances of developing dry eye are much higher, especially if you spend the majority of your time in front of a computer.
You will blink less often when using a computer or any digital screen. Combined with the heat, you will likely develop dry eye. You can prevent this from happening by ensuring you blink more often.
In a warm spring season, UV exposure is more common, especially with many outdoor events like barbecues. Ensure you always have a pair of eyeglasses every time you are outside. It is the best way to keep your eyes safe.
Sometimes, you cannot avoid developing dry eyes because of the nature of the season. You can use artificial over-the-counter tears to manage the condition.
The average person touches their face over 20 times in an hour. During spring, there are more times and opportunities to transfer pollen, dust, or mold to your eyes. Ensure you wash your hands often to keep pollen from your face and eyes and prevent side effects.
Visiting the eye doctor is one of the most effective ways to keep healthy eyes during spring. They will check if any issues are affecting you and can take measures to ensure your eyes are healthy through the season.
One of the key aspects of maintaining good eye health in warm seasons is hydrating often. Hydrating means your eyes will have enough tears and not dry out during the day. Your eyes will also be able to flush out any pollen or dust that gets in them.
For more on healthy spring eye care tips, call Coastal Vision at (888) 501-4496 for our offices in Chino, Irvine, Long Beach, or Orange, California.