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ReVision Optics, Inc., a leader in implantable presbyopia-correcting corneal inlay technology, announces receipt of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay, a novel corneal inlay for the surgical correction of presbyopia. The Raindrop Near Vision Inlay is indicated to improve near vision by reshaping the anterior curvature of the cornea in presbyopic patients who have emmetropic refractions (+1.00 D to -0.50 D).
Sunglasses have been synonymous with the idea of “cool” for a long time and it isn’t hard to imagine why. It is hard to picture sunglasses without thinking about Tom Cruise rocking aviators while riding on a motorcycle. Sunglasses have been an important fashion accessory in our society for a long time now, but it is important to make sure your sunglasses aren’t just form and have some function as well.
Well it is officially Spring, a time of beauty where plants spring into life and also a time of season allergies. Ocular allergies, commonly referred to as “eye allergies” are one of these Spring frustrations that millions of people deal with every year. If you suffer from Spring allergies, then you might end up having to deal with watery and/or irritated red eyes.
Recently, the KAMRA Inlay was featured on ABC’s Good Morning America show which has helped to create more awareness about the state-of-the-art presbyopia corrective procedure.
We rarely think about the impact this exposure to digital devices might be having on our vision and because of that we deal with recurring headaches, blurred vision and other symptoms of digital eye strain.
The human eye relies a lot on tears to supply lubrication and moisture so that you can maintain your vision and comfort. You might be surprised to learn that tears are a combination of quite a few elements: water, oil, mucus, antibodies and proteins. Once these essential components are gathered, the human eyes special glands begin to secrete it evenly across the eye. If there is an imbalance in your tear system, then you may begin to experience dry eye.